NWA for the Nations is offering childcare for attending families for only $30 per family. To be honest, calling it childcare does not do it justice. Consider this a weekend VBS where your children will learn a lot about missions and have a blast! The weekend includes organized activities, crafts, snacks and lunch, and engaging missions curriculum for your children. Our loving, experienced childcare workers (all background-checked) will take care of your kiddos and teach them about God’s heart for the nations while you are at the conference.

Space is limited.
You must choose childcare when you purchase your conference tickets.

Friday Night: Elementary only

Saturday: Birth – Elementary


Chick-fil-A will be provided for all children 2 years and older**

  • CFA Chicken nuggets

  • Chips

  • Fruit

  • Chocolate chip cookies

List of snacks to be provided:

  • Pretzels, animal crackers, cheerios, popcorn

  • Assorted fruits and veggies, GoGo Squeeze

  • String cheese

*If your child has any food allergies or restrictions, or you would like your child to have food other than those listed, we ask that you send snacks and lunch with your child. Also, please fill out this form so we are aware of any food restrictions or preferences.

** For children under 2 years old, please provide food. If you leave milk with your baby, please give staff and specific feeding instructions/times.


Subject to change​

Friday (Elementary only)

Movie Night! We will be showing a kid-friendly, missions-relevant movie for all elementary students Friday night. Snacks will be provided.

Saturday (Birth - Elementary)

details coming soon

Childcare FAQ

Coming soon