Northwest Arkansas’ Missions Conference

NWA For The Nations is THE place for churches, campus ministries, & all believers in Northwest Arkansas to unite, connect, & equip the body of Christ to finish the Great Commission. This conference will bring followers of Jesus together for worship, teaching, and connection in order to equip them to make disciples among the least reached peoples & advance the Kingdom of God through their passions & professions.

Unite, Connect, Equip

By the church,
for the church

We are champion of the Church. NWA For the Nations was started by the local church, for the local church h in Northwest Arkansas and the surrounding region. The Church is the hope of the world. It’s only with the help, support, and nurturing of the local church that missions workers can be successful in the harvest.

However, this is MUCH bigger than just Northwest Arkansas! Last year’s 800 attendees were from over 50 churches and 10 different states.

It takes cooperation

We love mission sending agencies. For workers to accomplish their noble work, missions organizations are a must! We try our hardest to create opportunities for conference attendees and agency partners to have solid connections and form real and lasting relationships. We have many sponsorship opportunities for your agency.

There is One King and one Kingdom! We want to see less Christian tribalism and more partnership! Let's all work together!

Everyone is invited

This conference is for everyone! Every follower of Jesus has unique gifts and skills that are essential for God's global purposes. We want all believers to find their place in God's plan in reaching all nations of the earth! Whether you are a business executive or a stay-at-home mom, come find your place in God’s plan for the world.

the Unreached

We prioritize the unreached and unengaged. There are real needs all over the world, even in our own backyard. However, we want to put our focus on the peoples of the world that, because of their language or location, have never heard the gospel.

We do this for God’s glory. It’s all about God’s heart for all nations, to reach every tribe, people, and language with the Gospel.

Conference Details




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